Engineering at Lafayette provides an added dimension of excellence—strong programs in the liberal arts. Today’s engineer is not only technically competent, but also communicates well and has multicultural and global awareness. Students must understand the social, political, ethical, economic, and environmental consequences of technology. Lafayette’s program provides the breadth and flexibility to allow students to integrate other interests into their studies, giving them an edge in the 21st-century global economy.
Opportunities abound for Lafayette engineering students to collaborate with faculty mentors on projects that make a difference. For example, one multidisciplinary student-faculty team is researching cost-effective ways to remove the contaminant perchlorate from groundwater. Another group helped facilitate economic progress in a Honduran village through coffee production. Many students gain a national stage by making presentations at professional conferences and publishing in journals.
More than 30 percent of Lafayette engineering students study abroad for a full semester and a similar percentage complete three-week, faculty-led interim session courses abroad. “Studying in an environment like this is a lesson in global awareness of the best kind,” says a student who was immersed in engineering and international history, culture, and politics in one of Lafayette’s semester-long programs in Europe led by Lafayette engineering faculty.
Students become part of Lafayette’s established tradition of success. About one-quarter of seniors go straight to graduate school, and about three-quarters accept full-time employment upon graduation. Lafayette alumni hold leadership positions in many of the nation’s top technological companies. They also lead and serve the world in many other fields, including business, medicine, law, education, and communications.