John L. '67 and Jean A. Hatfield Professor of International Affairs, Chair, International Affairs Program
207 Oechsle Center for Global Education
(610) 330-3042


  • Ph.D. Free University of Berlin

Vita: Angelika von Wahl is John L. ’67 and Jean A. Hatfield Professor of International Affairs. Her teaching and research focus on European politics, especially Germany and the EU and on gender. She is currently working on a comparative analysis of the first intersex movements and their political impact. Her other area of interest deals with human rights and reparations globally. Before coming to Lafayette College Prof. von Wahl was a tenured professor in the Departments of Political Science and International Relations at San Francisco State University. She has also been German Academic Exchange Professor (DAAD) in the Department of Sociology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a Fulbright Student in Political Science at Duke University.

Special interests: comparative and international politics with an emphasis on public policy in post-industrial states, specifically the USA, Western Europe, and Japan

Research interests: welfare states and gender; global human rights and reparations

Selected publications:

(2021) From Private Wrongs to Public Rights: The Politics of Intersex Activism in the Merkel Era, German Politics

(2021) Lessons on Opportunity Hoarding and Gender Binarism: Building an Alliance of Women’s, Trans and Intersex Movements, European Journal of Politics and Gender

(2021) The EU as a Gender Equality Regime, A Core Research Concept, EU Gender Regime, The Routledge Handbook of Gender and EU Politics

(2019) From Object to Subject, Intersex Activism and the Rise and Fall of the Gender Binary in Germany. Social Politics

2019, ‘From Object to Subject: Intersex Activism and the Rise and Fall of the Gender Binary in Germany’ Social Politics 0 (0), 1-23. Oxford University Press.

2017, ‘Throwing the Boomerang: German Intersex Mobilization and Policy Change,’ in: Louise Davidson-Schmich (ed.), Added to the Agenda, Gender and Intersectionality; University of Michigan Press.  Click the following link to open new tab with .pdf version of ‘Throwing the Boomerang: German Intersex Mobilization and Policy Change’: vonWahlThrowingBoomerang

2014, co-authored with Annette Henninger, Grand Coalition and Multi-Party Competition: Explaining Slowing Reforms in Gender Policy in Germany (2009-2013), German Politics, Vol. 23, Issue 4, October 2014, 386-399.

2014, co-authored with Annette Henninger Drei Schritte vor und zwei zurück? Familien- und Gleichstellungspolitik 2009-2013; In: Zohlnhöfer, Reimut und Thomas Saalfeld (Hg.), (2014, in print): Politik im Schatten der Krise, Die Bilanz der Merkel Regierung 2009-2013. Wiesbaden: Springer, 451-468.

2011 “How Sexuality Changes Agency: Gay Men, Jews, and Transitional Justice.” In The Role of Gender in Transitional Justice, (eds.) Susanne Buckley-Zistel and Ruth Stanley, 191-218. Houndsmill UK: Palgrave.

2011, “A ‘Women’s Revolution from Above’? Female Leadership, Intersectionality, and Public Policy under the Merkel Government.” German Politics, 20 (3) September: 392-409.

2010, co-authored with Annette Henninger, “Das Umspielen von Veto-Spielern. Wie eine konservative Familienministerin den Familialismus des deutschen Wohlfahrtsstaates unterminiert.” (“Outplaying the Veto-Players: How a Conservative Family Minister Undermines the Familialism of the Conservative Welfare State”) In: Die Zweite Grosse Koalition: Eine Bilanz der Regierung Merkel 2005-2009, (“The Second Grand Koalition: Assessing the Merkel Government 2005-2009”), (eds.) Christoph Egle and Reimut Zohlnhoefer, 361-379. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag.

2009 “The Politics of Reparations: Why, When and How Democratic Governments Get Involved.” In Historical Justice in International Perspective, (eds.) Manfred Berg and Bernd Schäfer, 39-68. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

2008 “EU Enlargement and Gender Equality in Employment.” In Gender Politics in the Expanding European Union, Mobilization, Inclusion, Exclusion,” (ed.), Silke Roth, 19-36. Oxford, New York: Berghahn Books.

“The Politics of Reparations: Why, When, and How Democratic Governments Get Involved” in Historical Justice in International Perspective, Manfred Berg and Bernd Schäfer (eds.)(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: 2008).